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Can You Trust AI? | Snack-Size AI Ep. 8

In this episode, Sr Director of Product Marketing Kendra Matthews covers whether businesses can trust AI to engage directly with prospects and customers—and what factors are necessary to back up that trust.

Can you trust AI? Kendra Matthews has the answer.
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Conversation AutomationExceptional Experiences
Published 08/01/24
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Today, we're going to answer a really common question. Can you trust AI to communicate directly with prospects and customers?

The short answer is yes, but trust is all about having confidence that AI has the knowledge, the critical thinking skills and the ability to execute the desired tasks accurately and consistently.

When you hire a new employee, you train them, you test their knowledge, you monitor their progress and you provide coaching along the way. AI is exactly the same thing. It needs training, testing, monitoring and even ongoing tuning. It's not just a set it and forget it activity.

You can't take an off the shelf AI model built from a generic data set and expect it to comprehend the underlying intent of a conversation or to have a product knowledge to respond accurately.

We've all heard the horror stories of AI providing wrong or even dangerous responses. The consequences to a brand can be devastating.

You must look for the right AI solution. One that's trained on your business to have brand accurate conversations that will meet the prospects’ expectations and can be trusted to deliver those authentic and accurate responses.

So what does the right AI solution look like? Here are three things to consider in any conversational AI vendor.

One, are they using a multi-model or ensemble approach? A general purpose model is going to have very limited use cases and very low accuracy when it comes to responding on behalf of your organization.

Two, you want to ask how the AI is trained and will they train a model on your data? AI is only as good as a data. It leverages you want to find a solution that uses your data to get brand accurate and authentic responses every time.

And three, how is Human in the Loop used? Is it used to ensure the highest level of accuracy for every exchange? And will it also further inform and train the model for future conversations?

These are just a few of the reasons why Conversica is considered a Leader in conversation automation and is the only enterprise-class conversational AI solution on the market. We hope you take a few minutes to check out our solution on conversica.com.

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