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Trifacta Hyper-Personalizes Two-Way Communication With Target Accounts

A Conversica customer since 2017, Trifacta leverages its Revenue Digital Assistant to augment marketing efforts, accelerate sales-ready leads, and drive revenue opportunities. When Conversica introduced a new “skill” focused on scaling hyper-personalized, two-way outreach for Account-Based Marketing (ABM), Trifacta was intrigued. Explore this case study to learn how Trifacta used this new ABM skill to deliver hyper-personalized messages matched to their ICP to drive better results.


  • Engage leads in strategically important areas
  • Need to hyper-segment for multiple industries
  • Leverage account data to deliver relevant messaging


Revenue Digital Assistant for Marketing with ABM Outreach Skill


  • 20% higher opportunity conversion rate
  • Increased number of assisted opportunities
  • Scalable way to leverage account insights
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Published 12/16/22
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