Watch the Webinar: Ignite Lead Engagement with AI Agents: 4 Real-World Tactics to Reshape your Funnel

Scripted Chatbots are Dead The Rise Of Generative AI & GPT

Are you among the 78% of users who are dissatisfied with chatbots and 73% who won’t use chatbots again? With web experiences being critical to successful conversions, it’s imperative you look beyond a simple bot to deliver an experience that will differentiate and compel greater engagement. AI chat, like ChatGPT, can surprise and delight visitors with real conversations rather than frustrate them with prompts and scripts all while keeping an eye on visitors’ results.


Scripted Chatbots are Dead The Rise Of Generative AI & GPT

Are you among the 78% of users who are dissatisfied with chatbots and 73% who won’t use chatbots again? With web experiences being critical to successful conversions, it’s imperative you look beyond a simple bot to deliver an experience that will differentiate and compel greater engagement. AI chat, like ChatGPT, can surprise and delight visitors with real conversations rather than frustrate them with prompts and scripts all while keeping an eye on visitors’ results.

Join David Greenberg, CMO at Conversica live at B2BMX Scottsdale 2023 as we discuss:
How to leverage innovative conversation automation technology in your business
The evolution of chatbots and how that shapes consumer expectations now and in the future.
Watch The Webinar